#RIPPEDFamily, if you didn’t know, our September R.I.P.P.E.D. MVP is Sara Bucknam! If you see her in class or on our R.I.P.P.E.D./RUMBLE Family Fitness Fun Facebook group, remember to congratulate her for all of her hard work and dedication. Sara currently teaches R.I.P.P.E.D. at both of NIP Fitness’s facilities. Her classes are held on Mondays at 6 pm at NIP Clear Lake (Iowa) and 6:15 pm at NIP Mason City.
Although we’re recognizing her as our September MVP, Sara has been on our radar for a while. She is double certified in R.I.P.P.E.D. and RUMBLE, and has moved mountains to ensure that her participants don’t miss out on their classes. If you’re not familiar with her story, she’s about to break it all down for you! Prepare to be inspired, #RIPPEDFamily. You may even need a box of tissues at hand.
R.I.P.P.E.D.: What or who got you to your first RUMBLE/R.I.P.P.E.D. class and when did you join the family?

Sara: “Actually, my first ever R.I.P.P.E.D. class was a master class taught by Hannah Sperry! You see, the town I live in is not at all progressive when it comes to fitness—especially group classes. The county has a 71% adult obesity rate, so fitness is not at the forefront of people’s minds. I was looking to introduce my town (Mason City, Iowa) to the 21st century with a new format of group fitness. I ran across a posting on social media for the R.I.P.P.E.D. instructor training, and it looked like exactly what I was looking for: a class that has cardio AND strength training. I did some research, and I loved how the participants and instructors talked about the R.I.P.P.E.D. family. So, in August of 2017, I took my first class and got trained as a R.I.P.P.E.D. instructor on the same day.”
R.I.P.P.E.D.: What do you enjoy most about R.I.P.P.E.D.?
Sara: “I love the variety within a single class and the fact that everything goes with the beat of the music. That energizing music makes me want to push harder! I also loved the community feel of R.I.P.P.E.D. I teach several other branded formats, and the support and camaraderie within those communities are really lacking. I love how Terry and Tina, and the Master Trainers are so personable with everyone—it’s like we’re all on the same playing field. You don’t get that with other formats.”
I’m on a mission to get people off the couch and get moving! I don’t get the traditional ‘gym bunnies,’ and I’m completely okay with that. I love the fact that they feel comfortable coming to R.I.P.P.E.D. classes.
R.I.P.P.E.D.: How has R.I.P.P.E.D./RUMBLE impacted your life? What changes do you see?
Sara: “I have gained more confidence in my teaching ability. If you teach R.I.P.P.E.D., you can teach anything out there! I used to be a cardio junkie, but R.I.P.P.E.D. has shown me how to enjoy strength training. Plus, I have some nice definition going on in my arms – thank you, R.I.P.P.E.D.!”
You’re very welcome Sara!
“Most importantly, R.I.P.P.E.D. has impacted my life in that I have met some of the most amazing people through my classes. I’m on a mission to get people off the couch and get moving. I have people coming to my classes that would never step foot into a gym to ‘work out.’ I don’t get the traditional ‘gym bunnies,’ and I’m completely okay with that. I love the fact that they feel comfortable coming to R.I.P.P.E.D. classes.
So do we!
R.I.P.P.E.D.: How does it feel to be the Sept. MVP?
#RIPPEDFamily, this is where Sara’s story gets REALLY good!
Sara: “My jaw is still on the floor about being chosen as an MVP. I really thought that honor went to much more experienced instructors from large gyms in large cities. I guess I was chosen because I keep pumping up R.I.P.P.E.D. in my Iowa community. When I first got trained, I worked at a small ‘mom & pop’ gym in Mason City, IA. They had no dumbbells, so we held ‘dumbbell drives’ to collect enough used dumbbells to have a R.I.P.P.E.D. class. We finally collected enough dumbbells and had a fantastic R.I.P.P.E.D. launch class. However, 10 days later, that gym suddenly closed down with no notice.”

But of course, there’s a happy ending.
“I was so upset. I didn’t know what to do because there aren’t many gyms in town that offer group classes. For about six weeks following the gym’s closing, a R.I.P.P.E.D. participant of mine offered her garage as a makeshift gym so we could do small group classes. Every week, I carted over a trunk full of dumbbells to her garage for R.I.P.P.E.D. classes. This was in November, and it was pretty darn chilly in North Iowa. We actually wore our winter coats and gloves for the first part of the workout until we got warmed up. I eventually found a new gym home—NIP Fitness. They had never heard of R.I.P.P.E.D., but they believed in me enough to let me teach there and even ordered a whole new set of dumbbells for us to use in class.”
Talk about a Cinderella story! Thanks so much, Sara, for inspiring us every day with your unwavering passion for sharing R.I.P.P.E.D. and the importance of fitness with your community.