Happy New Year #RIPPEDFamily! We’re so pumped for hat 2019 has in store for us. We ended 2018 with a bang, releasing R.I.P.P.E.D. Season 35 AND RUMBLE Bout 5 and now we’re starting this New Year with some major goals to offer even more in-person and virtual certifications. We also want to focus on your needs as trainers and participants, to provide the best formats for you.
As we were thinking up our goals and resolutions for this year, we thought it was important to hear from the heart of R.I.P.P.E.D.—all of you! The key to conquering resolutions is your support system. So we’re glad that so many of you were open about your struggles and aspirations. You’re not only helping others who are feeling the same way, but you’re helping yourself. Now you have an entire family cheering you on and holding you accountable.
Here’s what the #RIPPEDFamily is striving to be in 2019:
“Right now, my goals are more strength training based. Pull-ups have been my nemesis for my entire life. I’ve literally never been able to do them! So, that is something I’ve been working on and will continue to work on until I conquer it completely. I’ve also taken on running! I was the kid in school who faked being sick because I didn’t want to run the mile. Now, its something I’m working on as a challenge! I’ve done several 5K’s now and plan to start training for my first half marathon in March. After that, I see a full Marathon in my future. I also want to share R.I.P.P.E.D. with as many people as possible. I want them to feel what I feel when I do it—strong, powerful and capable, like I can do anything. Gotta have goals, right?” – Alyssa Majeske
“I want to bring R.I.P.P.E.D. to the city I’m moving to—Dayton, Ohio!” – Melinda Sokol
“I’d like to learn how to slow down a bit. I have a hard time relaxing and I am trying to incorporate some yoga into my week on my “rest days” to de-stress. And I always need help staying on track with the D (diet)!” – Jenny Kanieski
“More balance. Less stress. I got away from regular yoga practice after my hip surgery, as that was the one thing that really made it cranky. I’m So ready to get back my yoga groove!” – Jenna Moore
“I want to get better at pushups and more weights, less cardio.” – Hannah Sperry
“Oh, I have so many goals – and isn’t that crazy for someone who never saw herself getting into a fitness program? I want to become strong enough to do push-ups on my toes. I want to be able to do ALL the burpees. I want to improve my form for kicks and punches, and finally lose that 2nd left foot that always trips me up in Plyometrics. I want to see if I can run a 5K. And, most of all, I want to get certified in R.I.P.P.E.D.!” – Suzzanne Lewis Mott
“Keep working my body like it’s my job and teach rumble at a gym by July.” – Katie Trebes
“I’d like to continue working on “me,” with a focus on diet & nutrition and also lifting weights more. I want to fit in more classes when I get to participate as a member. I also strive for a better balance of family, work and fitness. Less stress when performing that balancing act is nice!” – Angel Chinault Chadwell
“I want to reach more of my goals. My annual physical was amazing and I’ve come so far in 4 years. I want to keep eating healthy and work on strength and flexibility. R.I.P.P.E.D truly saved my life.” – Daniel Nava
“I always have a goal to get better. I am striving to be more flexible and take care of my body so that I can prevent any injuries with proper form and techniques. I constantly attend other classes to learn and progress. I want to eat more, eat better and try new recipes to be on top of my health.” –Tara Dotson
“Currently, I am trying to get strong enough to do a pull-up. Yikes! It is super hard. But, I like super hard fitness goals, so I’m excited about the possibilities. One day, I’d love to complete a 1/2 or full Ironman… we’ll see.” – Lily Albright
If your goal is to challenge yourself in 2019 and try new things, allow us to make a suggestion. Explore becoming certified in R.I.P.P.E.D. and sharing your love of fitness with people who are searching for inspiration and guidance in their fitness journey.