One of our favorite things about the #RIPPEDFamily is that they are not shy about celebrating the success of R.I.P.P.E.D. We don’t have to brag about the results of R.I.P.P.E.D. and RUMBLE, because we have an amazing community that does it for us. They share how much fun they have, support one another through their journey, provide advice on how to successfully get results and inspire others with their stories.
If you ask our #RIPPEDFamily about the best results they’ve had since starting R.I.P.P.E.D., you’ll hear a variety of different responses. But there are three common themes we’ve heard from speaking to various R.I.P.P.E.D. participants and instructors. We were so happy to hear that R.I.P.P.E.D. was helping people all across the nation achieve passion for fitness, confidence in themselves and healthier lifestyles. These are so essential for your happiness, which is our main goal. We want you to be happy with yourself, internally and externally.
Here’s what our #RIPPEDFamily had to say about their results:
Passion and Persistence
“Starting R.I.P.P.E.D. was the beginning of my fitness journey. After taking the class for nine months, I became a certified instructor and began teaching almost immediately. That same summer, I participated in my first half marathon, and first mud run. I also began leading a group of women in hikes at a local facility. Last summer, I hiked up Mount Katahdin for the first time, and plan to go again this fall. I became RUMBLE certified in December. I love my new, healthy life that’s been created since I was introduced to this program! – Beth Williams
“I definitely stay active more than before! I find time to move every single day and I have made some adjustments to my food intake as well!” –Tanya Kakuk

“I definitely workout more. It’s to the point that I have to force myself to rest. I love it. When I am not at classes, I am practicing at home. It’s completely the opposite of the ‘me’ before. I use to dislike group fitness with a passion. R.I.P.P.E.D. was my first certification. Now it’s a drive and a passion to help me be the best ME possible! I love sharing the format with new participants!” –Rachel Shuman
“I’ve made numerous lifestyle changes in my diet and nutrition, and consistency with my classes. But one of the best lifestyle changes has been my mindset. Instead of “I can’t” or “that’s too much”, I’m now challenging and pushing myself to try to those moves I’ve never done, with a “let’s give a try” mentality.” –Samantha Matthews Barnett
“I now push my workouts to a greater intensity and make more refinements to my diet. The biggest thing I gained was confidence which motivated me to do things I would not have considered before.” –Jessica Shipe Chamberlin
“R.I.P.P.E.D. has changed my lifestyle in so many ways but what stands out to me the most is my confidence. It has made me face my fears of being in front of people and gave me the confidence to do whatever I want. Thank you for that.” –Rochelle F Gettmann Markowski
“I shop for clothes now because R.I.P.P.E.D. has changed my body so much that nothing fit me properly anymore. The bonus is that I’m a lot more comfortable in certain clothing because I’m more confident with how I look.” –Kate Selner

“I have better health, feel better about myself, and I am now off my blood pressure and cholesterol meds completely.” –Ken Johnson
“Since starting R.I.P.P.E.D. I have made my health and myself a priority. I eat so much healthier and take at least five classes a week at the gym combining R.I.P.P.E.D. with other classes. I dropped 50 pounds! I’m in better shape right now than at any other point in my life. In October, I will turn 50 and I’m
not afraid of that number anymore. Thank you R.I.P.P.E.D.!” –Terri Martin

“I have improved my health tremendously!! My energy level is way up and the self-confidence feels so good!” –Billie Barnes
“I have gained better health, less fat, more muscle, and much more confidence. These pictures were taken three months apart, the first picture was just one month after starting R.I.P.P.E.D. and the second was three months into taking R.I.P.P.E.D. three times a week.” –Andrea Fletcher
We love and appreciate all of you, and if you’re inspired to be better you, check out our certification pages for R.I.P.P.E.D. and RUMBLE.”