I’ve seen this little oatmeal trick on a few random web sites, so let me give credit to Hungry-Girl.com for this idea to get more out of your oatmeal. If you’re trying to keep your carbs between 20-30 per meal, you will sometimes find yourself wanting more than your ratio allows. Let’s face it, 20 grams of carbs doesn’t go very far. Case in point: I rarely used to choose oats as my carb of choice, because to keep my carbs at 22, that meant about 1/3 cup made with water, which looks pretty sorry and sad in a bowl. Scroll down to see the photo. I shall first, however, delight you with the finished product, because it’s THAT good!
Let me show you what your oats probably look like when microwaved for 1 minute with 1/2 cup of milk or water…
Now, let me tell you the trick… if you mix your oats with triple the milk or water and cook for a few minutes, and then let them sit a few hours or overnight, and then reheat with even more liquid, your bowl will be triple the size, and therefore, will leave you feeling more satisfied. Check this out:
My version: mixed with Coco Complete (low calorie chocolate powder FULL of antioxidants), cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon Stevia, almonds and shredded low-fat coconut.