Tis the season for lots of things – eating, shopping, traveling, and of course, working out! So as you prepare to board a plane, make a long flight, or maybe you’re shopping because you’re the one hosting Thanksgiving, we want to thank you.
We are so thankful for every single member of the #RIPPEDFamily. We see the love in every group photo you post. We see and hear the positivity and support that we all offer each other. We can’t always be on our A-game; sometimes we drag ourselves to a class! When that friend in class gives you that high-five or hug for pushing through, it really means something.
It is so awesome to see the love from everyone here. We have always wanted to make R.I.P.P.E.D. and Rumble inclusive environments. The classes may push you, but they never bring you down. We want people to feel inspired, and it is great when we see veterans welcome newbies, and instructors encourage others to get certified.
Enough about us; let’s talk about what you’re thankful for! If you’ve been participating in the Win It Wednesday contests, you’ve seen some tremendous responses. We wanted to share some of them here, in case some of our R.I.P.P.E.D. family isn’t on our Facebook page.

Jessica Aukamp said “I am thankful for Leah Seacrest and all the hard work she’s been putting in behind the scenes to get our new facility up and running!!! While she’s done every other format on the planet, she’s not done a R.I.P.P.E.D. class with ME yet!”
Leah replied that she would. We want to see photos of that first class Jessica and Leah!
Kristy McElroy thanked her friend Stacy Crabb, a group exercise instructor. She said, “I’m thankful for Stacy. She does so many wonderful things for so many people. She inspires others to be the best version of themselves and encourages them in their journey! Would love to have you in class sometime girly! ”

Let’s hope Stacy gives a R.I.P.P.E.D. class a try with Kristy sometime. We are glad to see that Stacy brings a positive attitude of encouragement to her workouts. Sounds like she’d be a great R.I.P.P.E.D. instructor, RIGHT?
Jen McCarthy encouraged her friend Gina Granados Schultz to give R.I.P.P.E.D. a try. She said, “I’d love to see you join one of my classes this next month and try R.I.P.P.E.D. Remember you are stronger than you ever give yourself enough credit for!! December let’s do this!”
Master Trainer Megan Nelson was thankful for Vincent Donohue, whom she also reminded will be hitting a R.I.P.P.E.D. class this week! She said, “I am thankful for all of my family! And most of them have been to my (class) except for Vincent Paul Donohue!!! Which I believe he said he would Thanksgiving weekend while he’s here?”

We will be on the lookout Megan to see if Vincent made a class this holiday weekend!
Jen Holland called out her sister Kristin Bachman, who she says, “is scared to take anything I teach .” We hope that Kristin gets a chance to attend one of Jen’s classes over the holiday.
These are just some of the shares on our Facebook page. If you aren’t active on there, we welcome you to join us! We hope you have a great Thanksgiving with your family and friends. We’ve even seen a few people talking about having a R.I.P.P.E.D. workout on Thanksgiving morning! If that’s you, we want to see it. Share it on our Facebook page and across social media using the #RIPPEDFamily hashtag!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.