Here’s What our Family Loves Most About R.I.P.P.E.D.


What’s happenin’ R.I.P.P.E.D. Family! To start of we just wanted to express how much we appreciate all the support and love you all show each other every day. You guys are the BOMB! Your posts bragging about other R.I.P.P.E.D. family members and your success stories are beyond encouraging. And what we really love to see is you all showing love to one another in your post R.I.P.P.E.D. class photos.

We reached out to some of our R.I.P.P.E.D. family to find out what they really love about the class, and the responses were overwhelming! We’re sure you’ll recognize some familiar names.

Cecy Drury

“When you have good music and an awesome instructor, you just can’t help but to have fun! And that’s what R.I.P.P.E.D. is. It’s a fun and killer workout that has proven to be extremely effective for me personally. My mind and body have never felt so great!”

Elizabeth Young

“The thing I love most R.I.P.P.E.D. is the way it makes me feel. feel confident, strong, and positive. I like that it is a total body workout all in one class. I can get my cardio and my strength training and be done!  The R.I.P.P.E.D family (in real life and virtually) is one of a kind. Virtual friends have become real life friends, and the people I have met through R.I.P.P.E.D have enhanced my life.  They are people who will lift me up, who will answer my questions, and who will always inspire me to be my best and to inspire others!”

Mickey Felipe:

“It made me look forward to go to a workout, and it got me off the couch and become active in something that made me feel good.”

Debbi Mottern

“It has everything in a 50-55 minute class: cardio, strength and kickboxing. I can bring in all fitness levels and they can do it. I love the family that Terry & Tina have formed, I feel as though we are long-time friends.”

“My members love R.I.P.P.E.D. They love that we can mix it up. They all have their favorites and love telling me what they want to do in class.”

Denise Milanowski

“OMG, what don’t I like. I love all aspects of this format. ANY person at any age or fitness level can make this class work for them. Not only do I love the program, I have met some of the greatest people too. Ask and you shall receive. I have made true friendships and have no issue asking for help or support from anyone in this R.I.P.P.E.D. family if I would ever need it and vice versa. I am also so thankful to this format for helping me get out of my head with self-doubt and body issues. It is so empowering!!!”

Thanks so much Cecy, Debbi, Denise, Mickey and Elizabeth for sharing what they love about R.I.P.P.E.D. classes. We’re so glad that this program has brought so many people around the world together to form such a supportive family.

Learn more about the R.I.P.P.E.D. program and joining our family.


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